Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs and respiratory system, making it harder to breathe. Asthma causes wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness,
and coughing at night or early in the morning. In most cases, we don’t know what causes asthma, and we don’t know how to cure it. We know that if someone
in your family has asthma you are more likely to have it. Many things in the environment can trigger an asthma attack, such as tobacco smoke, dust mites,
outdoor air pollution, pets, mold, and smoke from burning wood or grass. Asthma attacks can be controlled by knowing and avoiding your triggers.
The asthma data presented in this Data Explorer include the number of emergency department visits with a primary diagnosis code of asthma per year,
and the number of hospitalization admissions with a primary diagnosis of asthma per year
Learn More about Asthma:
Connecticut Asthma Program
CDC Asthma Program
Connecticut DEEP Air Quality Page
EPA Air Now